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    Quality is the lifeline


    Tongling Yuanyi Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
    Address: 129 west Cuihu road 5, Tongling Economic Development   Zone, Anhui Province

    Tel:+86 13956259526       

    Tel:+86 13905620906



    Tongling Municipal Party Secretary Ding Chun and other leaders came to our company to investigate and guide the work
    Release time:2020-08-19 13:10:46 | Browse times:

    On the morning of August 17, 2020, Ding Chun, secretary of tongling Municipal Party Committee and director of the Standing Committee of tongling Municipal People's Congress, came to the company to conduct field research on the development of special new enterprises. Huang Huafeng, member of the Standing Committee of municipal Party Committee and Secretary of tongling Economic Development Area, And Ma Jun, secretary-general of municipal Party Committee participated in the survey.


    Ding in chapter Wang Qunyou and China union chairman, secretary of general manager, has come to the place such as production workshop, testing center, understands the company product research and development, market application, production output, etc., hope to further increase investment in technology, strengthen product innovation, doing deep fine article, on the basis of constantly mention quality, expanding quantity and efficiency.



     Last chapter:CCTV Advertising of Tongling Yuanyi Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
     Next chapter:Good news: the company has obtained six national utility model patents
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    Tongling Yuanyi Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.

    Tel:+86 13956259526        Tel:+86 13905620906       

    Address: 129 west Cuihu road 5, Tongling Economic Development Zone, Anhui Province

    Copyright of Tongling Yuanyi Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. Technical support:Creation Network

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